This is possibly my favourite walk as Chidham is a beautiful peninsular, but this walk is probably most notable for the things you can see across the water from the path. The views across to Bosham and through to Cobham, Itchenor and Thorney Island are truly spectacular.

It is one of the Chichester Harbour Conservancy walks and I have directed to their itinerary. This walk goes along the foreshore, which is under water at High Water. For High Water times go to UKHO Easytide website - Northney is the secondary port, and please correct for daylight saving - 1 hour for BST.

Another walk not to forget your binoculars as the birdlife both on land and on the foreshore and sea is spectacular.

Distance: 8.0 km, 5.0 miles

Walking Time: 2 hours

Difficulty: Moderate

Wheelchair Accessible: In part

Start/End: Cobnor Farm Amenity car park.

11 minutes drive from the Square in Emsworth
No bus service

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Take the first path on the left out of the car park.
Going up a few steps you can see Bosham Church in the distance.
Turn to the right and then left along the field edge, heading towards the shoreline.
At the shoreline path, turn right and keep going.
Just before you reach the big accommodation boat for Christian Youth Enterprises, the path
turns inland.
There are the two sailing centres you pass near the start of the walk. Cobnor Activities Centre is an
independent Charitable Trust supported by The Friends Of Cobnor and West Sussex County Council. They aim to help educate young people in West Sussex, to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capacities. To that end the Centre provides facilities for education in environmental studies and training on land and water.
Carefully follow the footpath signs around the buildings and activity fields of the two sailing centres. You will shortly come onto a hard surfaced path through a dinghy park.
The path then turns left towards the shoreline.
This section is suitable for wheelchairs. It was opened in 1988 on land kindly donated by Martin Beale, whose family still live at Cobnor House.
Keep on the path, there are a number of benches along this route for a break and to enjoy the view. The path eventually leads down a flight of wooden steps to the shoreline.
Turn right along the foreshore, and follow the path along the top of a long dyke across the watermeadows. This part of the walk is inaccessible at High Water.
Aat the end of the dyke, follow along the waterside path and look
out for the footpath sign to the right.
The path goes down a few steps and turns back on itself. Turn left at the field edge to walk inland
across fields.
At the road, turn right. You will shortly come to some houses and then the Old House at Home pub.
Past the pub the road bears to the left.
Just before the church there is a footpath on the right. Keep on this wide grassy path as it wiggles around fields.
On the straight section with electricity poles look out for the small unsigned path on the left leading back to the road.
Turn right to return to the car park.